When Edward Snowden pulled back the curtain on the world we thought we knew, and revealed the jaw-dropping extent of NSA surveillance on American … [Read more...]
9 Tools for Private Browsing That Will Keep You Safe From Hackers, the NSA and Prying Eyes
From Tor to proxies to VPNs, keep your data secure with these nine tools for private browsing, searching, chatting and lots more. NSA spying was one … [Read more...]
Is Google Chrome Spying on You for Google? Actually, Yes
Is Google Chrome spying on you? Yes, actually. Google Chrome's new voice recognition feature transmits small recordings of you back to Google … [Read more...]
Watch Out: The DEA Has Fake Accounts All Over Facebook
Facebook informed the DEA that impersonating users is against the site's policies. The whole affair speaks volumes about the world we live … [Read more...]
The 11 Critical Keys to Net Neutrality and Keeping the Internet Free
The battle to keep the Internet free and preserve Net Neutrality continues—here's 11 keys to winning one of the most important fights of our … [Read more...]
Tails: Use the Net Anonymously, Anywhere—From a USB Stick
Bring Internet anonymity with you in your pocket on a USB stick running Tails Tails is an operating system that can be installed on a USB stick (or … [Read more...]
When the United Kingdom Tried to Censor Esoteric Websites, and the Internet Went Insane
In 2013, the United Kingdom attempted to set up an Internet firewall that would include blocking of "esoteric sites." The pagan and occult community … [Read more...]