Ultraculture is dedicated to empowering YOU with the tools of magick, the occult, enlightenment and self-liberation.
What if there were a technology for unlocking your mind and freeing your spirit? For turning reality into exactly what you want it to be? There is—and Ultraculture exists to share that technology.
It’s been called magick, the occult, shamanism, enlightenment and a thousand other names throughout history and by cultures all over the world.
These techniques have long been kept secret, for only a select few. But we want you to have access to them, so that you too can become a fully empowered creator of your own reality.
We want a new magical Renaissance, a new magical culture. You might even call it an Ultraculture.
So are you ready to take the shaman’s journey? To use the techniques of magick, the occult and shamanism to wake up, liberate yourself and take control of your reality? Are you ready to join the movement of the brave few who are doing just that, right now?
See, Ultraculture exists for those who Know they’re ready to take that journey. For those who are ready to Will a new reality for themselves. And most of all, for those who Dare to study and practice the raw techniques of magick.
Magick is the art and science of causing change in conformity with Will. And on this site you will find all of the secrets of magick and the occult, in plain language, in plain view.
Over the last decade, it’s been our calling and our passion to present these techniques to the public—without woo, without spooky language and without silly dress-up games. Just the pure techniques, in a form that anybody can use.
Are you ready? Ready to supercharge your life? Ready to take control of your reality?
Everything you need is right here.
So there’s only one question: What reality will YOU create for yourself?
For a comprehensive introduction to magick, which covers everything you need to get started, download our free course on Chaos Magick here!
In addition to this blog, Ultraculture also operates Magick.Me, a full online school for magick, offering video trainings on chaos magick, meditation, lucid dreaming, shamanism and lots, lots more. You can watch courses at any time, anywhere. Check it out here.
In addition to this site and our classes, we have a number of books available that dig even further into magick, from beginner guides to the far reaches of advanced practice. Here’s a few of our most popular ones:
9 Gates of Chaos Magick. An introductory guide to Chaos Magick, giving you everything you need to know to start practicing cutting-edge occult techniques for changing your reality.
Ultraculture Journal. The ultimate guide to magick and Tantra, focusing on the deep meditative traditions of India. Close to 400 pages, this is one of the most radical guides to spirituality and self-liberation in the world.
The Angelic Reformation: John Dee, Enochian Magick and the Occult Roots of Empire. A guide to the life and magick of Dr. John Dee, one of Ultraculture’s heroes and one of the greatest magicians who ever lived, whose occult efforts are responsible for the modern world itself.
You can see all of our books here.
The Ultraculture With Jason Louv podcast features talks on magick and interviews with major thinkers and figures within the world of magick, the occult and esoteric spirituality. You can subscribe to it on iTunes here or on Soundcloud here.
Please find us Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
Jason Louv is an author, journalist, entrepreneur and spiritual teacher. His books include The Angelic Reformation, Hyperworlds Underworlds, Monsanto vs. the World, Queen Valentine and editor of Thee Psychick Bible, Ultraculture Journal and Generation Hex. He has written for Boing Boing, VICE News, Motherboard, Esquire Online, h+, Acceler8or, Disinformation, co-founded the blog Dangerous Minds and is a regular guest on The Duncan Trussell Family Hour. He currently lives in Los Angeles. @jasonlouv
- Isabella Khan
- Jennifer Conley
- Daniel Appel
- Jonah Locksley
- Ash Freeman
- Aaron Piccirillo
- Archtraitor Bluefluke
- Amy Nicole
- Andrei Burke
- Annie Webb
- Caleigh Fisher
- David O’Donoghue
- Eric Ponvelle
- Hannah Haddix
- Woody Evans
- Katyayani Chowdhury
- Kailey Tedesco
- Matt Payne
- Maher Zaidi
- William Clark
- Sam Skopp
- Noah Nelson
- Satyros Phil Brucato
- Stephen Foland
- Kevin Gamble
- Sarah Wreck
We’re hiring writers. If you’re interested in contributing, send an introductory e-mail with at least two clips and two to three topics you would be interested in writing about to [email protected].
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