These five powerful female witches, mystics and magicians were absolute masters of the occult. Here's a few secrets, lessons and hard-won kernels of … [Read more...]
Here’s 4 Classic Reality Hacks From Robert Anton Wilson
Here's four classic techniques for consciousness change from Discordian Pope Robert Anton Wilson. Robert Anton Wilson should need no introduction. … [Read more...]
Is it Possible to Meditate While Drunk? Actually, Yes.
A Reddit user performed an interesting experiment: trying to meditate while drunk after consuming copious amounts of alcohol, with interesting … [Read more...]
Incense May Have Anti-Depressant Properties, According to New Study
In a new study, biologists have discovered that incense, particularly frankincense, has natural anti-depressant properties and is great for brain … [Read more...]
Alan Watts on How to Wake Up to Life’s Limitless Potential
Alan Watts, the philosopher who popularized Zen Buddhism for a whole generation of young seekers, talks about how to wake up and fully enjoy your … [Read more...]
Pema Chödrön, Buddhist Nun, Explains Why a Little Negativity Can (Sometimes) Be an Incredibly Good Thing
American Buddhist nun Pema Chödrön talks about how negativity can sometimes be a good thing—if we harness it as a catalyst for change. In the video … [Read more...]
Meditation and Magic Mushrooms Do the Same Thing to Your Brain
Research shows that magic mushrooms work on the same area of the brain as meditation. But what does this mean for meditators and … [Read more...]