Juice Rap News mocks Russell Brand, Die Antwoord, the Bilderberg Group... and reveals the true identity of the "New World Order" Juice Rap News—among … [Read more...]
Robert Anton Wilson’s Four Greatest Books for Blowing Your Mind
Robert Anton Wilson was a giant of the 20th century underground. Here's the four essential books you need to understand his thinking—and warp your … [Read more...]
Here’s 4 Classic Reality Hacks From Robert Anton Wilson
Here's four classic techniques for consciousness change from Discordian Pope Robert Anton Wilson. Robert Anton Wilson should need no introduction. … [Read more...]
Here’s 9 Great Movies About Magick and the Occult
We rounded up 9 of our favorite films about magick and the occult! Here's a roundup of nine great films about magick and the occult. Obvious choices … [Read more...]
3 Bizarre Occult Secrets of the Reagan Presidency
The recent passing of Reagan astrologer Joan Quigley is a reminder that Ronald and Nancy Reagan were secretly super weird New Agers. Here's three … [Read more...]
Are There Elite Pedophilia Rings in the Inner Circles of the Rich and Powerful?
It's not always a conspiracy theory: Power and pedophilia can go hand-in-hand. Ultraculture investigates the reality of elite pedophilia rings in the … [Read more...]
Meet the 25 Billionaires Who Control Everything on the Planet
The Brookings Institution just released a list of the 25 US billionaires with the most political power in the planet. Why have we ceded control to a … [Read more...]