Terence McKenna, psychedelic legend, explains why modern culture and the mainstream media are not your friends, and how to free yourself from their … [Read more...]
What Happens When You Smoke DMT While Peaking on LSD?
Listen to Terence McKenna relate his insane experience smoking the hyper-potent psychedelic DMT at the peak of an acid trip... Watch the video … [Read more...]
Magick and Psychedelic Drugs are Serious Business
Academia may be on the brink of recognizing psychedelic drugs and psychedelic-fueled esoteric study as a legitimate field of inquiry Have you … [Read more...]
5 Ancient Legends About the Secret of Immortality
Chasing down the ancient world's alchemical obsession with obtaining immortality and the Philosopher's Stone Mortality (and the lure of immortality) … [Read more...]
The Aeon of Horus: Why We’re Entering a New Aeon of Magick
Here's the full video of my Los Angeles talk on the Aeon of Horus, and why the popularity of Magick is exploding among young people all over the … [Read more...]
Watch a Spectacular Animation of a DMT Trip (Including a Terence McKenna Voiceover)
Immensely cool DMT trip visualization combines computer animation with Terence McKenna's narration The video below, dubbed "DMTrmx," in an absolutely … [Read more...]
Dennis McKenna Chronicles His Psychedelic Adventures With His Brother Terence in ‘The Brotherhood of the Screaming Abyss’
Dennis McKenna, the older brother of the late psychedelic legend Terence McKenna, chronicles the duo's shamanic adventures in the Amazonian rainforest … [Read more...]