Incredible infographic depicting the major gods and goddesses of Hinduism, arranged into a family tree! Below, check out a stunning infographic of … [Read more...]
5 Mythological Stories About How the World Was Created
The Big Bang and the Biblical creation narrative are far from the only stories about how the world was created. Here's five incredible mythological … [Read more...]
Here’s an Astonishing Map of Mythological Creatures From Around the World
This map of mythological creatures from around the world shows the amazing diversity of cultures around the world. Check it out for a tour through the … [Read more...]
How Hermetic Initiates Used Magick to Study Reality
An introduction to Hermetic philosophy, the lost field of scientific investigation into magick, alchemy and the hidden nature of reality Alchemy is … [Read more...]
Sacred Music: How Music Can Bring Us Transcendent, Shamanic, Occult Experiences
Music is more than just entertainment. It shapes the very quality of our lives—the fabric of reality itself. Here's how sacred music can call … [Read more...]
48 Hours of Joseph Campbell Lectures, Free on Spotify
Epic Spotify playlist of lectures by Joseph Campbell, on how mythology can help us understand ourselves, grow and become more enlightened Joseph … [Read more...]
10 Awe-Inspiring Megaliths From Around the World
Megaliths are stone structures found all over the world. Who built them? Why were they built? Whatever the answer, they're breathtakingly … [Read more...]