Orgone (according to renegade psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich) is the sexual energy that runs the universe. Here’s how to build a blanket that actually accumulates it!
What would you do if you could harness the energy of orgasm itself, just like it was the Force in Star Wars?
That’s the theory behind orgone accumulators. Orgone, so its proponents claim, is the energy of life, expressed in the human body in concentrated form by orgasm. Its existence was postulated in the 1930s by Wilhelm Reich, Sigmund Freud’s most brilliant student, who believed this life force circulated through the human body as well as nature and the universe itself. It wasn’t too far off from the idea of the life force or “vril” that had previously been popular in German romanticism and occult circles.
Reich not only stated that he had found and was able to quantify this force, but also that he had built devices—orgone accumulators—for harnessing it, claiming to be able to cure both the roots of neurosis and a wide array of physical ailments… even to be able to affect the weather.
RELATED: The Ultraculture Podcast on Wilhelm Reich, Orgone and Evolution
Were any of these theories scientifically validated? Nope. Even Einstein, who showed initial interest, threw Reich’s theories out. For the orgone theory and others, Reich was blackballed from the psychoanalytic community, kicked out of half the countries of Europe, and finally imprisoned by the FDA in the United States. The FDA also burnt nearly all of his books and destroyed his lab equipment. But because Reich was so effectively shut down by the FDA, research stopped—his theories are so bizarre that they were largely laughed out of the room instead of being subjected to rigorous testing.
Luckily, building your own orgone accumulator—at least the most basic form, an orgone blanket—can be done for about $20 worth of materials and a few hours, at most, of effort. Here’s how to do it:
- Get enough 100% organic wool (100%—no synthetics. This is important) to make three 2′ x 2′ squares. One website recommends using these military surplus blankets off of Amazon. I had good results just going to the fabric district in LA and getting them to cut sized squares for me.
- Also get a bunch of packages of very fine (000 or 0000 grade) steel wool. It’s cheap, so buy a bunch. One or possibly two of these will likely do the trick.
- Get some cotton (organic, not synthetic!) thread and a needle. That’s all you need.
Drop one wool square on the floor. Unroll the steel wool bales onto the wool so it’s completely covered. Put the second square of wool on top of that. Now make another steel wool layer. Now put the third square of wool on top, and sew the whole thing together along the edges so the steel wool is held inside.
RELATED: How to Build a Dream Machine, Your Own Portal to Inner Visions
There, done. According to Reich, the alternation of organic and inorganic material will generate orgone. So is this any different from a tin-foil hat? Well, William Burroughs, Norman Mailer, Saul Bellow, Sean Connery and many other luminaries were into it… but that’s neither here nor there. Now you can try your own tests. Mine is shown below, next to a DVD case for size comparison:
(My experience with the blanket is that it produces a subtle but persistent feeling of relaxation and well-being—it also tends to knock me out. Reich claimed orgone treatment might be able to accelerate healing of wounds and even help treat cancer. The FDA completely rejected these statements; your mileage may vary. Reich also built full-size accumulator boxes, orgone shooters and even anti-aircraft-gun sized “cloudbusters” that he claimed could be used to control the weather and shoot down UFOs—yes, the beams of orgasm energy promised at the top of the article. More involved instructions on making accumulators can be found in James DeMeo’s Orgone Accumulator Handbook.)
If you build one, let us know how it goes in the comments!
How Do I Not Just Harness, But Direct Sexual Energy?
Understanding that orgone or sexual energy exists is just the first step.
The next is understanding that you can direct it towards manifesting things you want to occur.
Many people have called this “sex magick.” And it works.
To discover how to use sex magick to achieve your true goals in life, check out Ultraculture’s free book and course on magick.
Literally anything is possible—when you truly understand how to direct sexual energy.
Start your engines!
How Do I Not Just Harness, But Direct Sexual Energy?
Understanding that orgone or sexual energy exists is just the first step.
The next is understanding that you can direct it towards manifesting things you want to occur.
Many people have called this “sex magick.” And it works.
To discover how to use sex magick to achieve your true goals in life, check out our Introduction to Chaos Magick class.
Literally anything is possible—when you truly understand how to direct sexual energy.
Start your engines!
How Do I Not Just Harness, But Direct Sexual Energy?
Understanding that orgone or sexual energy exists is just the first step.
The next is understanding that you can direct it towards manifesting things you want to occur.
Many people have called this “sex magick.” And it works.
To discover how to use sex magick to achieve your true goals in life, check out our Introduction to Chaos Magick class.
Literally anything is possible—when you truly understand how to direct sexual energy.
Start your engines!
How Do I Not Just Harness, But Direct Sexual Energy?
Understanding that orgone or sexual energy exists is just the first step.
The next is understanding that you can direct it towards manifesting things you want to occur.
Many people have called this “sex magick.” And it works.
To discover how to use sex magick to achieve your true goals in life, check out our Introduction to Chaos Magick class.
Literally anything is possible—when you truly understand how to direct sexual energy.
Start your engines!
[…] RELATED: How to Make and Orgone Accumulator Blanket… and Harnass Orgasmic Energy! […]