Ultraculture, Episode 21: Jon Graham on Rosicrucianism, Metapolitical War and Transcending the Self—and I Restate My Political Views for a New Political Era
Yes hello! In this week’s episode of the Ultraculture podcast, Jon Graham (acquisitions editor at the venerable occult publisher Inner Traditions) stops by to talk about the Western Esoteric Tradition, Rosicrucianism, Metapolitical War, meme magic, the right’s obsession with George Soros, his own occult experiences, and what it takes to transcend the small-s self. Although the conversation was overshadowed by the recent passing of our mutual friend Adam Parfrey (which I spoke about at length in the last episode of the podcast, in which I talk with Mitch Horowitz), we got into some considerably helpful territory, cutting through the murk of the esoteric world as it stands in 2018. Jon, of course, is the person responsible for bringing my new book John Dee and the Empire of Angels to the world, so please give him a warm welcome and big thanks!
This was an awesome episode. I open with my thoughts on the current political landscape, and take stock after my absence from the public commons for book sabbatical. By marking my political position now, I hope to use this as a staging ground from which to re-enter the bloody landscape of the 2018 online discourse. As I state in this podcast and the previous one, I’m really enjoying getting back into podcasting and already excited about returning to public life—with some trepidation as I survey the wreckage of the last two years of political and metapolitical warfare that, frankly, have left the Internet scorched earth territory. But, dear listeners, I have no fear that together we’ll figure out how to sort it all out.
Make sure to subscribe to the Ultraculture podcast here, through the Podcasts app on iOS, or wherever works best—and don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and Instagram. Enjoy the show!
Jon Graham on Rosicrucianism, Metapolitical War and Transcending the Self
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