Thomas Hatsis, author of Psychedelic Mystery Traditions: Spirit Plants, Magical Practices and Ecstatic States, stops by to discuss how entheogens and magick have long made for close companions.
In this week’s episode of the podcast, I speak with Thomas Hatsis, a scholar of how magick and psychedelics have long gone together in the history of world spirituality—and often in the modern era, also.
We discussed:
- The history of the use of psychedelics and entheogens in magick and shamanism;
- How microdosing is massively growing in popularity, and how it can be used in occult practice;
- How Thomas is attempting to gain the Guinness world record for “largest magical ritual ever”;
And much, much more.
Here’s a bit more about the podcast, via his author site at Inner Traditions:
Thomas Hatsis is a historian of psychedelia, witchcraft, magic, pagan religions, alternative Christianities, and the cultural intersection of those areas, who holds a master’s degree in history from Queens College. The author of The Witches’ Ointment and Psychedelic Mystery Traditions, he runs psychedelicwitch.com, a site dedicated to promoting the latest and best information pertaining to the Psychedelic Renaissance. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
In his new book, Psychedelic Mystery Traditions, Hatsis shows how psychedelics have been an integral part of the human experience since Neolithic times and describes how different peoples in the Western world, including ancient priestesses, Christian Gnostics, alchemists, wise-women, and Victorian magicians, utilized sacred psychedelic plants and entheogens for divination, sex magic, communication with gods, and more.
You can pick up Hatsis’ new book here.

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The music used in this show was created by The High Masters.
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