Here’s the full video of my Los Angeles talk on the Aeon of Horus, and why the popularity of Magick is exploding among young people all over the world.
The video below was shot at Los Angeles’ Katzen Kultur Klub, where I delivered a full speech on the nature of Magick in the Aeon of Horus, and how all of the old “magical” and spiritual formulas have been rendered defunct by the incoming Age of the Child. I cover a huge amount of territory in the talk, jumping from prehistorical shamanism to the establishment of patriarchal solar religions to our current paranoid, NSA-surveillance moment, and tie it all together with a call for absolute Magickal Renaissance and Revolution.
You know—the good stuff.
(To start learning about how to ride the wave of the Aeon of Horus and apply magick in your our own life, check out our free course on Chaos Magick!) (To start learning about how to ride the wave of the Aeon of Horus and apply magick in your our own life, check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick!) (To start learning about how to ride the wave of the Aeon of Horus and apply magick in your our own life, check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick!) (To start learning about how to ride the wave of the Aeon of Horus and apply magick in your our own life, check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick!)
I was lucky enough to be able to deliver this talk both in Los Angeles and, later, at Catland Books in New York City—both times to very intelligent and receptive audiences.
Here’s a bit of what Aleister Crowley had to say about the Aeon of Horus:
[Horus] rules the present period of 2,000 years, beginning in 1904. Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bi-sexual or epicene, the childlike confidence in progress combined with nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions.
Consider the outcrop of dictatorships, only possible when moral growth is in its earliest stages, and the prevalence of infantile cults like Communism, Fascism, Pacifism, Health Crazes, Occultism in nearly all its forms, religions sentimentalised to the point of practical extinction.
RELATED: Aleister Crowley: Who Was the Wickedest Man in the World, Really?
Consider the popularity of the cinema, the wireless, the football pools and guessing competitions, all devices for soothing fractious infants, no seed of purpose in them.
Consider sport, the babyish enthusiasms and rages which it excites, whole nations disturbed by disputes between boys.
Consider war, the atrocities which occur daily and leave us unmoved and hardly worried.
We are children.
I hope you enjoy the talk, and share it with anybody you think might enjoy it, too! Peace, Freedom, Happiness and LVX for all.
(Below, check out an awesome music video by The Transpersonals on the Aeon of Horus.)
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