Ultraculture, Episode 15: Global resilience guru Vinay Gupta on meditation, magic and saving the world
In this episode of the podcast, I hang out with global resilience guru Vinay Gupta in his penthouse in London and talk meditation, magic, blockchain technology and saving the world. We get into some great territory on the far reaches of what’s possible with magic, and the bad mythologies and approaches that cause a lot of people burn out before they get to the good stuff. It’s a great show that digs into some deep territory on real magic as it is lived in the trenches of the very real war for reality.
About Vinay, from his site>:
I am trying to keep you alive.
There are lots of threats which governments are either ignoring or causing. I am filling in the gaps. Overconsumption is reducing our planet’s ability to support life. Seven of us exist for every person alive 200 years ago!
Nuclear war, bioweapons, even plain old conflict are driven by resource scarcity. Good engineering could at least double how far our resources can stretch, the rest has to be done by demand reduction: living within planetary limits. But governments do not fund engineering solutions to political problems, except in war, so the technologies which could bring plenty to the world (or at least more room for manoeuvre) are largely unfunded or undeployed.
A likely response to increasing resource scarcity (manifest as economic problems and rising prices) is centralization of power (fascism). In the past, hard right-wing governments have come to power during and after economic collapses, leading to unnecessary wars or even genocide. Democides (governments turning on their people) killed a quarter-billion people in the 20th century.
Finding better solutions than centralization and war is my life’s work.
To this end I’ve worked extensively with government, the military, some large companies and think-tanks – but most of all with the Free and open source community – to solve real problems. For maximum leverage I’ve done most of that work as a designer and model-builder, rather than managing demonstration projects.
If you enjoy this show, please check out my free course on magick. It’s packed with informative reading, instructional videos, guided meditations and lots more, all on how to use meditation and mysticism to shape your life.
If you enjoy this show, please check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick. It’s packed with over 60 hours (and growing!) of online courses in magick, meditation and mysticism. You can take clear, concise lessons on everything from Chaos Magick to Tarot—all at your own pace.
If you enjoy this show, please check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick. It’s packed with over 60 hours (and growing!) of online courses in magick, meditation and mysticism. You can take clear, concise lessons on everything from Chaos Magick to Tarot—all at your own pace.
If you enjoy this show, please check out Magick.Me, our online school for magick. It’s packed with over 60 hours (and growing!) of online courses in magick, meditation and mysticism. You can take clear, concise lessons on everything from Chaos Magick to Tarot—all at your own pace.
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See you soon for more episodes of the show!
Vinay Gupta on Meditation, Enlightenment and Saving the World
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