Welcome to the Astral Plane… the world between worlds. Learn the basics of astral projection and start exploring!
Astral projection is an incredibly popular and often outlandishly-depicted topic. I’m sure you’ve seen New Age books with airbrushed pictures of people hovering outside of their bodies, neon chakras glowing in their astral bodies, silver cord connecting them to their sleeping body.
Here’s a little secret: It’s actually not like that at all.
The world of the astral is much more easily accessible than you imagine. Here’s an initial experiment in how to do it.
How to begin Astrally Projecting.
- Enter your sacred space and perform a banishing ritual.
State clearly that you WILL astrally travel.
Close your eyes and enter a state of calm meditation. Once you’re ready, visualize an image of yourself standing in front of you. Spend some time building up the visualization—more than one sitting over multiple days, if need be. Fill in as many details as you can.
Once you’re ready, find your center of perception somewhere in your body—it may be in your head, or around your body, or somewhere else. Once you find it, transfer it into your visualized double. This may seem tricky, but it’s just an act of will—actually much easier than it seems. If you don’t get it at first, relax and try less hard.
Open the eyes of your double and look around your room. Walk around and touch a few things. See if you can turn and view your room from different angles. Don’t proceed any further or beyond the room you’re in.
When you’re ready, visualize your double merging with your physical form and being perfectly absorbed. Open your physical eyes, put your right finger to your lips, and sharply inhale through your nose, sucking in your stomach and raising your chest. Imagine that this locks your astral body into place within your physical body.
Make sure not to do this outside of the context of ritual and your sacred space—for instance, don’t do it while daydreaming at school or work. This can lead to fuzzy boundaries between the astral and physical. Keep clean and scientific working conditions!
Congratulations—you’ve learned the first step of astral projection. The rest is laid out for you in our Introduction to Astral Projection course—taking you all the way up to being able to investigate any astral world you can imagine at will, being able to check astral beings for validity, being able to defend yourself, and much more!
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